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the American gun madness.

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Arabic:  سب Sabba - to insult, abuse, call names, revile, rail at, to curse, to exchange insults or abusive language
سبة Subba - disgrace, shame, dishonor
سباب Sabbab - abuser, vituperator, reviler
سبابة Sabbaba - index finger, pointer finger
(see Two)

“Thus have we sent down manifest signs; for, verily, God guides whom he will.”   The Qur’an

Spanish:  No tener dos dedos de frente - ( not have two fingers ) to be really stupid (see Stupid Delays)

Russian:  пáлцем дéланный - Palstyem delanniy - ( made with a finger ) a fool, an idiot (see Stupid Delays)

        French:  Comme les deux doigts de la main – ( like the two fingers of the hand ) to be thick as thieves (see Roving, Preying)

      Russian:  как два пáльца обоссáть - Kak dva paltsa obassat - ( like two fingers set about ) to be very easy (see Stupid Delays)

The (see ...) refers to Chapters found within the Contents of the site

Found within Chapters 25, 74-75 - American Guns, Two

     The Second Amendment - a very poorly written amendment interpreted in polar ways.
English  Militia - [1580s, "system of military discipline," from L. militia "military service, warfare,"
                         from miles "soldier" (see military)]
English:  Soldier - [fr. O.Fr. soudier "one who serves in the army for pay," from M.L. soldarius "a soldier"
                            (cf. It. soldato and Fr. soldat "soldier," which is borrowed from It.), lit. "one having pay,"
                            from L.L. soldum, from acc. of L. solidus, a Roman gold coin (see solidus)]
                            1: a person engaed in military service ....

                            8: Informal noun: a person who avoids work or pretends to work; loafer; malingerer  
                            9: Informal verb: to loaf while pretending to work; malinger (see Stupid Delays)
English:  Militate - ["to serve as a soldier," from L. militatum, pp. of militare "serve as a soldier," from miles "soldier"
                           (see military). Sense developed via "conflict with," to "be evidence" (for or against)]
             Military - [fr. from M.Fr. militaire, from L. militaris "of soldiers or war," from miles "soldier"]


English:  Regulate - [fr. L.L. regulatus, pp. of regulare "to control by rule, direct" (5c.), fr. L. regula "rule" (see regular)]
                            1: to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, law, etc.
                            2: to adjust to some standard or requirement, as amount, degree, etc.
                            3: to adjust so as to ensure accuracy of operation
                            4: to put in good order
             Rule - 1: an authoritative regulation or direction concerning method or procedure, as for a court of law,
                        legislative body, game, or other human institution or activity
                       2: the exercise of governmental authority or control
English  Militia - [1580s, "system of military discipline," from L. militia "military service, warfare,"
                         from miles "soldier" (see military)]
English:  Soldier - [fr. O.Fr. soudier "one who serves in the army for pay," from M.L. soldarius "a soldier"
                            (cf. It. soldato and Fr. soldat "soldier," which is borrowed from It.), lit. "one having pay,"
                            from L.L. soldum, from acc. of L. solidus, a Roman gold coin (see solidus)]
                            1: a person engaed in military service ....  
(see Confused Warriors)
                            8: Informal noun: a person who avoids work or pretends to work; loafer; malingerer  
                            9: Informal verb: to loaf while pretending to work; malinger (see Stupid Delays)
English:  Militate - ["to serve as a soldier," from L. militatum, pp. of militare "serve as a soldier," from miles "soldier"
                           (see military). Sense developed via "conflict with," to "be evidence" (for or against)]
             Military - [fr. from M.Fr. militaire, from L. militaris "of soldiers or war," from miles "soldier"]

Found within Chapter s 74-75 - Two

 ˜   The 2nd Amendment - is an amendment interpreted as either the right to bear arms, or more accurately “the right of a militia to bear arms”. Many stupid Americans at all levels have abused this law. The Second Amendment (see American Guns) is a notable Two.

The following is how the number TWO is written about within semiotic dictionaries. Once again, keep in mind that these are simplified descriptions that demand further research, study, experience, and time.
According to the Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, the number TWO 2 represents: Duality; alteration; conflict; .. that’s CONFLICT; dependence; otherness; the static condition; the opposite poles; the dual nature of man; the binary is the first number to recede from unity, hence it also symbolizes sin which deviates from the first good and so denoted the transitory and corruptible. Chinese: yin, feminine, terrestrial, inauspicious. Taoist: the K’ua, the two determinants, the yin-yang. Two is a weak yin number, since it has no center. Platonic: Plato said that two is a digit without meaning since it implies a relationship, which introduces a third factor.

Other sources describe the number TWO 2 as a symbol of confrontation, CONFLICT, and recoil, and denotes either a balance achieved, or hidden threat. It is the figure that epitomizes all ambivalence and split personality. It is the first to separate and it separates most radically – creator and creature, black and white, male and female, matter and spirit and so on – and is the source of all other divisions.

The number TWO 2 symbolizes dualism, the basis of all dialectic, endeavor, struggle, movement and progress. The thesis/antithesis should produce a synthesis, a three.

TWO 2, therefore, gives expression to a hostility, which from being hidden becomes manifest; rivalry and mutual feelings, either of love or of hate; opposition which may be sterile and negative, as well as complimentary and productive. 

Here is how the number TWO is used within language.
Russian/English Proverbs:
               Для ссоры нухен двое - Dyla sosar nuzhni dvoye - It takes two to quarrel (see Confused Warriors)

Polish:  Wojna - war
(see Confused Warriors)
             Podwojny – double
Polish:  Dwa – two
             Dwoja – failing mark in school
(see Stupid Delays)
French:  Deux - two
              Rentrer a deux – to return home drunk
(see Drunken Times)
              Ca fait deux – be poles apart
French idiom:  Comme les deux doigts de la main – (like the two fingers of the hand) to be thick as thieves

German:   Zwei, zwie - two
                Zweikampf - duel 
 (see Confused Warriors)  
                Zweifel - doubt
                zweideutig – ambiguous
         entzweien – to set at odds, fall out  (see Confused Warriors)
         verzweifelt - desperate
              zwielichtig – shady, dubious
              zwiespaltig – conflicting feelings
              zwietracht – discord, conflict  (see Confused Warriors)
             zwickmuhle – double mill
  in der zwickmuhle sitzen – to be in a dilemma

Dutch:   Twee - two
              Tweespalt – discord, conflict (see Confused Warriors)
              Tweedracht – discord, conflict
              Tweestrijd – internal conflict 
Swedish:  Tve/tva – two
                 Tvar – abrupt, curt
                 Tvedraht - hostility (see Sheehan v. Rough Noise, Hawk's Havoc, Confused Warriors)
                 Tvetydlig - equivocal
                 Tveka - hesitate
                 Tvekamp - duel (see Confused Warriors)
                 Tvang - compulsion

Swedish:  Tve/tva – two
                 Tvar – abrupt, curt
                 Tvedraht - hostility (see Sheehan v. Rough Noise, Hawk's Havoc, Confused Warriors)
                 Tvetydlig - equivocal
                 Tveka - hesitate
                 Tvekamp - duel (see Confused Warriors)
                 Tvang - compulsion

The gun sign with your hand is with the thumb and index or pointer finger.

Sabba - to insult, abuse, call names, revile, rail at, to curse,
                   to exchange insults or abusive language
سبة Subba - disgrace, shame, dishonor
سباب Sabbab - abuser, vituperator, reviler
سبابة Sabbaba - index finger, pointer finger

Spanish idiom:  No tener dos dedos de frente – (not to have two fingers)  to be really stupid (see Stupid Delays)

Russian:  пáлцем дéланный - Palstyem delanniy - ( made with a finger ) a fool, an idiot (see Stupid Delays)

Russian Idiom:  Как два пáльца обоссáть - Kak dva paltsa obassat – (like 2 fingers set about) easy as pie
(see Stupid Delays)

"Immediately the rooster crowed the SECOND time. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows TWICE you will disown me three times." And he broke down and wept."   Mark 14:72

The Postman Rings Twice is a classic 1934 novel about a 2 wicked plans to kill.
2 Days in Paris is a 2007 is a hilarious film about a couple in conflict.
2 Days in the Valley
(see In a Hole) is a 1996 film about a hitman killing for money.
Number 2 is the one-eyed assistant to Dr. Evil in the 1997, 1999, and 2202 Austin Powers films.
2 Fast 2 Furious is a 2003 film about an automobile speed racing culture.
One Two is a mobster and member of the Wild Bunch in the 2008 film RocknRolla.
The Two Mrs. Carrolls
(see Butchers) is a 1947 film about delusions that lead to murder.
Two Stone
(see Stony) is the abductor and seller of girls in the 2003 film The Missing.

Flight # 2 is the flight that is blown up by a suicide bomber in the classic 1970 film Airport.

Two for the Money is a 2005 film about handicapping betting and gambling rings.

Jeroboam (see Drunken Times) was guilty of creating TWO CALF (see Mad Money) IDOLS that led to hundreds of years of idolatry (Kings 12:25-33).

English:  Deuce – [from Middle French deus, via Latin duo – two]
                           3: [obs. English deuce – bad luck] a: devil, dickens
(see Woods Boys)
              Deuced – damned, confounded
              Deucedly - extremely

Historically popular images of the devil/demon with dualistic features
- check out the two horns (see Crooked Leanings), two toes, cloven hoofs of goats and deer (see Bestial Behaviors), pigs (see Corporate Pigs & Other Swine), and cattle/bulls (see Mad Money), and the two fingers much like a claw (see Preying), as well as the androgynous features.

English:  Cloven hoof - ["to split," O.E. cleofan "to split, separate" fr. P.Gmc. *kleubanan (cf. O.S. klioban, O.N. kljufa,
                                   Dan. klöve, Du. kloven, O.H.G. klioban, Ger. klieben "to cleave, split"), fr. PIE base *gleubh-
                                  "to cut, slice"] a hoof split into two toes. In folklore and popular culture, a cloven hoof has long
                                   been associated with the Devil.

The Two-pronged pitchfork of Satan or the Devil.

In Greek mythology, Hades, the god of the underworld, has a TWO 2 pronged fork, while Poseidon, the god of the sea, has a three pronged fork or trident (see Three).

English:  Demon - [c.1200, from Latin daemon "spirit," from Greek daimon "deity, divine power; lesser god; guiding spirit,
                           tutelary deity" (sometimes including souls of the dead); "one's genius, lot, or fortune;" from PIE *dai-mon-
                           "divider, provider" (of fortunes or destinies), from root *da- "to divide"]

English:  Duplicity - 1: deceitfulness in speech or conduct, as by speaking or acting in two different ways to different
                              people concerning the same matter; double-dealing. Synonyms: deceit, deception, dissimulation,
                              fraud, guile, hypocrisy, trickery. Antonyms: candidness, directness, honesty, straightforwardness.
                              2: an act or instance of such deceitfulness.  
3: the state or quality of having two elements or parts; being twofold or double.

English:  Hydra - [fr. Greek hydra water serpent (see Crooked Leanings)]  
                         1: Classical Mythology . a water or marsh serpent with nine heads, each of which, if cut off,
                         grew back as two; Hercules killed this serpent by cauterizing the necks as he cut off the heads
                         2: any freshwater polyp of the genus Hydra and related genera, etc..
                         3: a persistent or many-sided problem that presents new obstacles as soon as one aspect is solved

Found within Chapters 74-75 - Two

     The Two Rifles and eagle (see Preying) in a red field (see America in the Red) of the National Rifle Association's (NRA) logo - the top gun interest organization led by Wayne LaPierre (see Stony), a nefarious organization who fights any sensible gun regulation at the expense of the better interests of society. The NRA is one of the more obvious examples of the devil in current times.
         قطبي Qutbi – polar
        قطبية Qutbiya – polarity
          قطوب Qutub – frowning, scowling
     تقطيبة Taqtiba – a quick frown, scowl
    استقطاب Istiqtab – polarization

English:  Demon - [
c.1200, from Latin daemon "spirit," from Greek daimon "deity, divine power; lesser god; guiding spirit,
                           tutelary deity" (sometimes including souls of the dead); "one's genius, lot, or fortune;" from PIE *dai-mon-
                           "divider, provider" (of fortunes or destinies), from root *da- "to divide"]

Found within Chapters 63-64, 72-73 - Crooked Leanings, America in the Red

   Cam Edwards – red-headed National Rifle Association (see Thorns of the Bush, Roving, American Guns, Crooked Leanings, Two) or NRA News personality and gun activist. He is part of the shameful and sad fact that there are 90 guns for every 100 American citizens, far more than any other country developed or not, as well as America having 5% of the world's population and 50% of the world's guns. Cam is tthe most visible NRA news personality along with Giny Simone (see Hairy Delays). Cam hosts a show called Cam & Company.
Cam is from the Gaelic cam ‘bent, crooked’, a dimunitive of Campbell, a
name from the Gaelic caimbeul ‘wry or crooked mouth’, from cam ‘crooked, deformed, one-eyed, cross-eyed’ + beul ‘mouth’.

English:  Crook – [fr. 13th cent “hooked shaped instrment or weapon”, fr. O.N. krokr “hook, corner”,
                           M.E. crook “swindler”, “dishonest trick”. Meaning "swindler" is American English, 1879,
                           fr. crooked in figurative sense of "dishonest" (1708). Crook "dishonest trick" was in
                           Middle English.] 1: a bent or curved implement  2: a  dishonest person, a thief 
                           3: a bend, turn, or curve  4: v. slang to steal , cheat, or swindle
(see Roving, Preying)
              Crooked - 1: not straight; bending; curved: a crooked path   2: askew; awry
                               3: deformed: a man with a crooked back  4: not straightforward; dishonest

English idiom:  To talk out of the side of one’s mouth – to lie

Jack (see Grabs the Heel) Campbell is the Wall Street bachelor who shuns family life in the 2000 film Family Man.
Ben Campbell is the addicted gambler in the 2008 film 21, who strays from his straight academic course to live a crooked life in Las Vegas.
Rudge Campbell is the greedy and ruthless business manager in 1979 film The Rose.
Howard Campbell Jr. is the American Nazi propagandist in the 1961 novel Mother Night and 1969 novel Slaughter House Five.

Russian slang:  Косой - Kosoy – (literally crooked) drunk (see Drunken Times)

Gaelic:  Cuar – crooked, perverse, bent
             Cuar – to torment, to pain

Italian:  Stòrto – (literally crooked, bent) incompetent (see Stupid Delays)

In everything you do, stay away from complaining and arguing, so that no one can speak a word of blame against you. You are to live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of people who are CROOKED and stubborn. Shine out among them like beacon lights, holding out to them the word of Life.”   Philippians 2: 14-16

"Every valley
(see In a Hole) shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low. The CROOKED roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth."   Luke 3:5

Throughout the Bible and Qur’an or Koran, the “straight path” is symbolic language that is contrasted with the “CROOKED”. 

English:  Wrong - [late O.E., "twisted, crooked, wry," fr. O.N. rangr, earlier *wrangr "crooked, wry, wrong," fr. P.Gmc.
                          "crooked, wrong," M.Du. wranc, Du. wrang "sour, bitter," lit. "that which distorts the mouth"), fr. PIE
                          *wrengh- "to turn" (see wring). Sense of "not right, bad, immoral, unjust" developed by c.1300. Wrong
                           thus is etymologically a negative of right (fr. L. rectus, lit. "straight"). L. pravus was lit. "crooked," but
                           most commonly "wrong, bad;" and other words for "crooked" also have meant "wrong" in Italian and
                           Slavic. Cf. also Fr. tort "wrong, injustice," fr. L. tortus "twisted."]

English:  Encroach – [fr. O.N. krokr hook] to advance beyond proper, established, or usual limits;
                                  trespass on the property or rights of another, esp. by stealth

English idiom:  By hook or crook – by whatever means possible legal or illegal, just or unjust

Scots:  Crook – v. to halt in walking, limp; n.  a limp; adj. twisted, awry
            Crooked – defomed, crippled; cross, crabbed

Australian English:  Crook – sick, feeble; ill-humored; out of order; functioning improperly

Found wFthin Chapters 25, 26 - American Gun, Stony

    NRA's Wayne LaPierre (See Stony) quote: "But since when did the word 'GUN' automatically become a bad word?"- spoken at the time when the longtime leader/spokesperson of the National Rifle Association (NRA) (see Thorns of the Bush, Roving, American Guns, Crooked Leanings, Two) addressed the tragic Dec. 14th 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre after a week of hiding where he ended up advocating for more guns. Guns are by far more present in America than any other country. America has 5% of the world's population and 50% of the world's guns!!!. There are an estimated 90 guns for every 100 American citizens. Every year there are 30,000 gun deaths and 300,000 gun-related assaults in the U.S. There are an estimated 11,000 hand gun deaths a year in America. It is time to take our country back from the devils who enable the madness.
Here you go Second Ammndment deuce (see Two) devil ..
The etymology of the word gun.
English:  Gun - [mid-14c., gunne "an engine of war that throws rocks, arrows or other missiles," probably a shortening of
                          woman's name Gunilda, found in M.E. gonnilde "cannon" and in an Anglo-Latin reference to a specific
                          gun from a 1330 munitions inventory of Windsor Castle ("...una magna balista de cornu quae Domina
                          Gunilda ..."), from O.N. Gunnhildr, woman's name, from gunnr + hildr, both meaning "war, battle."
                          First element from PIE *gwhen- "to strike, kill" (see bane); for second, cf. Hilda]
            Bane - [Old English bana "killer, slayer, murderer; the devil," from P.Gmc. *banon, cognate with *banja-
                        "wound" (cf. Old Frisian bona "murderer," Old Norse bani, Old High German bana "murder,"
                         Old English benn "wound," Gothic banja "stroke, wound"), from PIE root *gwhen- "to strike, kill,
                         wound" (cf. Avestan banta "ill"). Modern sense of "that which causes ruin or woe" is from 1570s]

The English word “war” comes from the Old High German word werran, verwirren – to confuse.

English:  War – [M.E. were, fr. O.N.Fr., of Gmc. origin; akin to O.H.G. werra strife; akin to O.H.G. werran to confuse]
                        1War – state of armed hostile conflict…  2War – to engage in warfare …
                        3War – chiefly Scot : worse  4War, warred, warring – chiefly Scot : worst
                        Confuse – 1: to bring to ruin 2a: to make embarrassed : ABASH b: to disturb in mind or
                                        purpose 3a: to make indistinct : BLUR b: mix indiscriminately : JUMBLE c: to fail to
                                        differentiate from an often similar or related other syn see MISTAKE
(see Stupid Delays)
English:  Gun - 1: a weapon consisting of a metal tube, with mechanical attachments, from which projectiles are shot by
                         the force of an explosive; a piece of ordnance   2: any portable firearm, as a rifle, shotgun, or revolver  
                         3: a long-barreled cannon having a relatively flat trajectory  4: any device for shooting something under
                         pressure  5:Slang. a person whose profession is killing; professional killer: a gangland gun   
                         6: Slang an armed criminal; gunman
English:  Guns - also known as “fire”arms
(see Black Burning Gloom)
             Gun - (v.) to floor the car's gas pedal and speed (see Fierce Driving Hype)
             Gun (1858) – thief, rascal
(see Roving)
             Gun Moll - 1: a female companion of a criminal  2: a female criminal
             Smoking Gun
(see Black Burning Gloom)
          Fysigunkus – someone totally devoid of curiosity
             Gundyguts – obese
(see Bestial Behaviors), bad table manners                                
             Gunsel - [slang gunsel stupid person, traitor] slang : Gunman
             Gunzel – passively oriented male homosexual
(see Drunken Times), a brat, an informer

American Prison Slang:  Gunning - to masterbate/jerk off/male orgasm
(see Drunken Times,
                                                    Black Burning Gloom, Quagmires)
 in front of someone

English slang:  a "Gun" - a toke from a marijuana
(see Drunken Times) cigarette (see Black Burning Gloom) where
                                  the smoke is pushed out of the other end of the joint by another person while one inhales


English:  Culverin – [fr. L. culubra snake (see Crooked Leanings)] an early firearm, a rude musket

English:  Shots – slang for drinking hard liquor fast (see Drunken Times)

English:  Blunderbuss – 1: a short musket of wide bore with expanded muzzle to scatter shot,
                                        bullets, or slugs at a close range  
                                        2: an insensitive blundering person (see Stupid Delays)

English:  Grapeshot (see Drunken Times) – an early machine gun

Scots:  Gun – to gossip (see Stupid Delays)
           Gun – a smoking pipe (see Black Burning Gloom)
           Gundie – greedy, voracious (see Roving, Preying, Grabs the Heel)
           Gundie-guts – a fat pursy fellow (see Fat Man & Little Boy)
           Gunsar, Gunsir – a big, clumsy, ungainly stupid person (see Stupid Delays)
           Gunkerie – a dupe
           Rumgunshoch – a coarse, rude person

English:  Bang - 1: a loud, sudden, explosive noise, as the discharge of a gun (see American Guns))

German:  bangen - to fear (see Ugly Conealments)

Scots:  Bang – blow, onslaught, act of haste (see Hasty Hunting), fit of temper
           Bang – a crowd, a large number
           Banged – under the influence of alcohol
(see Drunken Times)
           Bangster – braggart 
(see Drunken Times)
           Bangster – one who cozens; a bully; a loose woman; rough, violent
           Bangyal – slovenly fellow 
(see Quagmires)
           Bangie – irritable, huffy 
(see Black Burning Gloom)
           Bangrel – ill-natured ungovernable woman
           Bangsome – quarrelsome       
           Blast – a sudden illness; a stroke; a brag, boast;  (see Drunken Times)
           Blastie - ill-tempered unmanageable child (see Childish Delays), a term of contempt
English:  Blast – [fr. PIE bhel to swell
(see Mad Money), blow up] an explosion; a noisy party or slang for fun

German:  Knall – bang
                knallen – explode, slam , shoot (see American Guns)
                einen Knall haben – (literally to have a bang) to be crazy
                Knallkopf – (literall bang head) blockhead, nutcase (see Stupid Delays)

Gaelic:  Fùdar – gunpowder
            Fùdaraich – urge on to mischief, instigate

Gaelic:  Cuilbheir – a culverin, gun, fowling piece
             Cuilbheart – wily, deceit (see Foxes)

French:  Gachette – trigger
              Gacher – to spoil, ruin, waste (see Harry Lays Waste)
              Gachis – mess of a situation

French:  Flingue – pistol
              Flinguer – to shoot
              Se flinguer – to be very depressed (see Black Burning Gloom)

German:  Schuß – a shot (from Schiessen)
               Schußeln – to be scatterbrained, to be careless, to make careless mistakes
               Schußelig – scatterbrained, dithery (see Stupid Delays)

Italian:  Sparare – to shoot
            Sparàta – a discharge, volley, gunfire; boasting, bragging (see Drunken Times)

Italian slang:  Pistola/pistolone – pistol; penis; a sucker (a person easily cheated and deceived)

Portuguese slang:  Pistola – (literally a pistol) a bottle of wine (see Drunken Times)
                            Pistoliero – a drunk

German slang Rohr – (literally a gun barrel) a firearm
                Ein Rohr brechen – (lit. to break out a gun barrel) to get drunk (see Drunken Times)

             غدارة Gadara - pistol, machine gun, tommy gun
(see Two)
             غدر Gadara - to act treacherously; betray, deceive, perfidy
(see Foxes)

             سلح Salaha – to arm oneself, engage in battle, a weapon
                                    to void excrement, dung, cross words
           مسلح muSalaha - gunman

          قصف Qasafa – to bomb, break, smash, shatter
        قصوف Qasuf – feast, revel (see Drunken Times), carouse, life of opulence
            مقصف Maqasuf - casino (see Mad Money) 
              نار Nar – fire, rife fire, gunfire, conflagration (see Black Burning Gloom)
           النار al nar - hell 

How to Read this Site 

Within the chapters, each entry is divided by 2 spaces. The various entries can be easily found because they are written in a bold type. This allows the entry to be easily identified and for the manuscript to be read in nonlinear ways.

This nonlinear approach can be aided by using the 40+ Indexes. Use the Indexes. They are divided according to subject matter. Often the reader can identify with a particular entry/subject more than other entries/subjects.

Also, because the chapters and indexes can be challenging at first glance, I recommend reading some of the Related Essays or SIGNS before diving into the Chapters. They exist to give multiple examples as to how the contents of the chapters are presented. The Related Essays or SIGNS allow me to expose and elaborate on some of the more important entries of the current time.

No matter how one approaches the manuscript, ultimately a particular entry cannot be fully understood without eventually reading the entire related chapter - most significantly the yellow/blue/aqua/green writing discussed below.

Many times in order to gain an understanding of a particular entry within a chapter, one must read the pages that exist before the desired read. To fully understand a particular entry within a given chapter, one must read in all directions - not only left to right, but also from top to bottom, bottom to top, between front and back.

The entries that are divided by 1 space as opposed to 2 spaces share an exposition of a similar linguistic/etymological root or element that is being translated, and therefore must be read together.

Do not ever be intimidated by the foreign words and material. They are there to help you understand the entries.
- Translations of names of a given Entry are written in orange.

- Linguistic material that gives the reader symbolic associations in relation to the Entries has been written in yellow.

- Religious material and quotes that support the linguistic/symbolic associations in relation to the Entries are presented in this blue color.

- Semiotic explainations of symbols from encyclopaedias of symbols are written in an aqua.

- Films and Literature
that utilize the symbolic associations and connotations of the Entries are written in green.

The yellow/blue/aqua/green writing relates to the predominant symbols of a given chapter.

These symbols are written in dark red on the Contents page and at the head of each chapter.

Read everything in yellow/blue/aqua/green within every chapter in order to get a complete linguistic and semiotic or symbolic interpretation of a given one entry.

All name translations of a given Entry are written in Italic script.
A few translations are based on the top theories as opposed to linguisitic certitude. Though surname research is a difficult science, a vast majority of the translations are agreed upon by the top sources. Name translations that are related to the dark red symbolic themes of the chapter are written in orange.

All black writing is basically used for my writing, narration, opinions, etc...

You will figure out that a particular Entry within a chapter is read from red to orange to yellow to blue to aqua to green, the center.

As you will see, many times a given Entry or word is related to another chapter.

- I use a purple colored script to emphasize how the Chapters are very much related ... i.e. (see ....).
The content is put together in a very easy format that can be scrolled and read in a nonlinear way.

( ("see"... )
refers to Chapters found within the Contents of the site
linked at the bottom of this splash page.
To gain an understanding as to how the material is presented (i.e color coding, etc ...)
read the "How to Read Site", "Intentions", and "Introduction"

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